Diamond Factory

2019 - 03 - 25 Secret Sauce Of The Mindset W YL Diamond Bethany Shipley



OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT CALL Secret Sauce of the Mindset w/ YL Diamond Bethany Shipley Is Young Living truly for anyone or just people who are outgoing and good at sales? You may have heard people you’ve sponsored talking themselves out of the business before they even get started. They say phrases like, “I’m not like you” “I’m not good at sales” or “You got in early” ...and you don’t know how to respond to help them get started with confidence. This Monday we have on Bethany Shipley who reached Diamond within 4 years of starting the business. Her passion is to help people with their inner mindset of abundance so they can create thriving Young Living Businesses. She whole heartedly believes exponential growth comes from personal development of the leader and their team. What you’ll learn: Why this one mindset formula can a shift a struggling business into one of explosive growth. Outsourcing? The things you should be doing yourself and what to outsource and WHEN. Getting new