Task Force X

Episode 44: Suicide Squad Commentary track



So, now that we're finished with The Janus Directive, we're going to take a month off and watch a movie. This month, I'm watching the Extended Cut of the Suicide Squad movie. BUT, I'm not sitting through this alone. I've suckered... errr I mean, I got, Robert Myers from Everyone Loves The Drake, to sit down with me and watch this movie. And since I'm addicted to podcasting, we recorded our thoughts... So listen in and watch a movie with us. And when you're done, let me know what you think. Do you agree with me and Robert? Do you think we're crazy? E-mail me and let me know. Then when you're done e-mailing me, check out Robert's show at https://thebatmanuniverse.net/category/podcast/reltdp/ (Everyone Loves The Drake). Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at http://taskforcex.headspeaks.com And let us know what you think.