American Libraries Dewey Decibel Podcast

Episode 37: AI in Academic Libraries



Artificial intelligence (AI) no longer exists solely in the realm of science fiction—it's everywhere. From virtual assistants in smart phones and self-driving cars to data-crunching machine learning programs, AI is changing how we live and work. And it's now being used in libraries across the country. In Episode 37, Dewey Decibel looks at how two academic libraries are using AI to reach students and help advance research. First, Dewey Decibel host and American Libraries Senior Editor Phil Morehart speaks with Nicole Coleman, digital research architect at Stanford University Libraries, about the importance of AI for libraries and the university's multiple AI programs. Then Morehart talks with Boyhun Kim, chief technology officer and associate professor at University of Rhode Island Libraries, about the university's AI lab for students and faculty, as well as tips for libraries interested in exploring AI.