Nancy At Noon

You Can Do It Resolutions!



Today is a new year, a new day and a new beginning. Many of us stopped making resolutions for the new year because we never stuck to them. We'd have great intetnions but by day 3 or 4 we were back to the same old patterns, habits and routines. It was discouraging to say the least. But when we understand that resolutions are more than frivolous items on a wish list, we have more determination and discipline to see them through to completion. Susan Lewis has some great ideas to help get you started. Wedding Talk with Nancy at Noon is about connecting today’s bride with the latest information and resources so she can make informed decisions to create a wedding that will surpass her wildest dreams. If you are interested in being a guest on Wedding Talk with Nancy at Noon, or if you have questions or comments please Email me at I look forward to hearing from you. And please visit my website at You can contact Susan at Contact Sponsor, Dreams Shows M