The Tazz And Paula Show

James Redfield - Entering the Miracle Universe



James Redfield, author of "The Celestine Prophecy says “What if I told you that humanity has finally downloaded the correct SPIRITUAL KEYS to live a full spiritual consciousness in this Universe--including all the abilities that come with it: peace in all situations, a guiding intuition, and a constant flow of Synchronicity the solves our problems, transcends our distractions, reveals our missions, and brings us all the right relationships. Life isn’t supposed to be this difficult! I’ve called this new karmic understanding the Twelfth Insight, and since 2012 we can see ever more signs of this Insight operating in the world.” - James Redfield In spite of the continued conflict and disharmony around us, more and more individuals are discovering those SPIRITUAL KEYS that surround them ... and are making them real in their daily lives.