The Tazz And Paula Show

Interview with Kerry Cassidy



  That we are not alone is a given. What must be considered is that there are both positive and negatively oriented beings of all kinds and that we may be encountering many of them in our current incarnation as souls on this planet. What is also important is to become more aware of the forces for good and evil that are involved in this and other dimensions when you consider what is going on behind any scenario described in our release entitled 2008: the Future is Now. My most specific advice is for you to awaken your chakras through meditation and living true to your heart. Once your kundalini is activated, connect your chakras and unite with your higher self and the source of all that is... This above all else will protect and guide you in the coming days. Our 3-dimensional world is but an illusion. You are here to experience and learn and the ultimate objective is to become fully enlightened. The challenges that are presented by us and for us are there to give us the opportunity to know ourselves as Creator