The Tazz And Paula Show

Numerology with William Mykian



Let's play with numbers today!  William Mykian will explain to us the science of numbers. He is the author of two books and has written art icles and papers on metaphysics, meditation, and numerology, conducted workshops on Chaldean numerology, and is a motivational speaker.  Mr. Mykian is a mathematician, philosopher, and a lifetime student of spiritual and metaphysical principles. He is also a Reiki Master. His spiritual and philosophical studies have included, but were not limited to, the works of Joel S. Goldsmith, Swami Prabhavnanda, Alan Watts, Charles Fillmore, Jane Roberts, Earnest Holmes, Alice Bailey, Helen Blavatsky, David Bohm, Sheldon Drake, J. J. Hurtak, Daniel Quinn, and Neil David Walsch.