Everyday Attraction with Rae Zander

Did You Know You Are Already Rich?"



Within the Law Of Attraction something has to be real in the vibrational realm before it can manifest into reality. Today we are going to explore your vibrational reality with best selling author Nan Akasha. Nan Akasha is a Spiritual Money Attraction and wealth creation Coach, Certified Master Hypnotherapist, Author and international speaker, radio host. Nan is an expert at creating breakthroughs in Money, mindset and business. She will guides you on how to master your money mind, clear your subconscious blocks to success, and give you an experiential processes to really create lasting shifts. > You can find her book on Amazon Click here to buy now Please support our sponsor for today's show Send Out Cards. Create a personal greeting card online and have it printed and sent to someone you want to appreciate. Send a free card today by going to www.sendoutcards.com/attraction