Conversations With Christopher Reburn

Christopher Reburn's Master Class 'Introduction To Mediumship' CD Release Party



Join us as we celebrate the release of Christopher's latest CD, Master Class Series: An Introduction to Mediumship & Making Contact with The Other Side. Listen in as Christopher talks about his new CD and how you can awaken and strengthen your own inner medium! You won't want to miss this! You've requested it, and it's finally here! Listen as Christopher explores the world of Mediumship, and how you can activate and strengthen the inner medium within you! Christopher details and shares his own proven methods of communicating with the Spirit World, what to do before you connect, what to do after you connect, and how to give readings and messages from The Other Side! This CD has valuable exercises that are geared toward defining and strengthening your Mediumship ability. This Master Class CD is good for beginners, as well as current active Mediumship practitioners and those looking to refresh and strengthen their gifts and abilities!   Get your signed copy of Christopher's latest CD by visiting his websit