Seton Hall Sports Poll

January/February 2018 - Olympics, Gymnastics Sex Assault Scandal, NBA Gambling



The Winter Olympics in South Korea may be 14 time zones removed from the Eastern Time Zone of the US - but 43% of Americans say they plan to watch NBC’s live streaming content during the Games, with only 48% saying they did not have such plans. A big chunk of the country - 63% - say they will watch at least some coverage of the Games, which begin Friday, February 8.  That is double those who said “no” (31%) to watching any coverage.  Asked if they would be more likely to buy a product advertising during the Olympics, 87% said it would make no difference, a number that advertising executives would surely debate.  Five percent said they were “more likely” and 5% said “less likely” to buy the product. BIG PUSHBACK ON NBA PROPOSAL FOR GAMBLING ON GAMES IN NEW YORK STATE The Poll also asked people about a proposal from the NBA that would allow gambling on its games in New York State, using hand held devices and kiosks in addition to casinos and racetracks.  (The league would receive one percent of all wagers).