Big Dreams Strategies By Jana Kingsford Pro Biz(+kid) Juggler

BIG DREAMERS BUY-IN The Marketing Shift I Made That Changed My Business Forever #LifeWorkers



BIG DREAMERS BUY-IN The Marketing Shift Made That Changed My Business Forever #LifeWorkers The BUY-in vs OPT-in Marketing Mindset  What an organic online lifeworkers business relies on (HINT - results in advance) It's just as easy to get a $17 straight up sale on social media, as it is to get someone to sign up on a list. We don't fish for 'warm leads' we get 'straight up sales' It's a privilege to the packaged up work of a lifeworker who has lived and learnt the lessons being passed on and packaged up.   #JanaKingsford #PersonalBranding #LifeWorkers    @janakingsford (find me all over the internet) OG #BigDreamer Bachelor of Communications PR  ⁣ Motivational Author & Speaker I made it my business (literally) to help you achieve your BIG DREAMS on the internet, by BRANDING yourself, BEING yourself, BELIEVING in yourself.    ADD Jana Kingsford on Socials FB Page  FB Profile - IG   FOLLOW The B