Behind The Beats: With German Perez

Jose Pasillas II - Incubus



In the midst of the twentieth anniversary of releasing the album "Make Yourself" Incubus is riding the waves of the business and continues to play huge shows sold out by adoring fans. Jose Pasillas is the heart of the band, his originality and emotionally expressive style has taught me about playing music creatively and with style. It was indeed "Make Yourself" that made me a fan of the band but more importantly a student of Jose's drumming. Not only am I a fan of the drumming, I dove all way deep and listened and read countless interviews. I started reading more because of Jose. I quit drinking because I heard an interview with Jose talking about giving it a break. I'm heavily influenced by the great Jose Pasillas and it is an honor to have recorded this podcast talking about what he means to me. Its been one year since I started the podcast, Happy anniversary to Behind the Beats Podcast and so cool that I chose to chat about Jose Pasillas. Thanks for tuning in and hope you enjoy your listen. - G