Crit Sandwich

Mad Meowth Poké Road 2: White Line Nightmare



The gang makes it double. On Crit Sandwich, 4 friends play 5th edition D&D campaigns loosely based on our favorite movies, tv shows and video games. We use adult language, have inconsistent character voices, and often screw up the rules. Campaign 5 Cast: Casey Sears as the DM Chuck Ventus as Charlie the Charmander. Robbie Ponder as Solid the Ekans. Matt Popich as the Choppie the Machop. New episodes release on the first and third Monday of each month. Theme by Komiku. Music by Soft and Furious. Edited by Robbie & Casey. Enjoy Crit Sandwich: the world's tastiest D&D podcast This is a work of parody and fan art. All characters and locations are the intellectual property of their respective owners.