Improv Cabaret: Behind The Scenes

IC 2-7-07 Dirty South Festival trip



(MUSICAL INTERLUDE) Traveling to gym for cardio before the trip to Dirty South Improv Festival. Quart bag-buying afterwards due to flight regulations. Keyboard is going to be rented in North Carolina. Getting coffee with no time to get coffee. The coffee has butter nuggets in it. I am focusing on the positive of the trip, even though we're flying on a tiny plane. I will be getting drunk for the flight so I can get through it. I don't want to die. (MUSICAL INTERLUDE) We landed in North Carolina and we're walking to baggage claim. We pass an Asian woman with red hair. (MUSICAL INTERLUDE) Landed in Orlando after a 5am flight, walking to baggage check at 9am. Tonight is my first musical improv workshop. Robyn will be there. The show: I talked about some racy things. My car parking place reminder card is where it should be. Met the Dirty South producer and the Toronto Improv Festival producer. I need to get quotes from producers of these festivals for my press pack.