Tanner-price Ame Church

Bible Study: Core Values #5 & 6 - Audio



Next to believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9-10), the most important step to living a truly committed Christian life is knowing what you know, i.e. having a firm handle on the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith. One common attack on Christians over the years is that we have such a poor command over the word of God and over the most basic points of doctrine extracted from it that people of other religions know what we are supposed to know better than we do and are thus able to not only refute what we say, but also take what they learn from our faith to trick us into believing what they believe. These basic beliefs that all Christians should know and apply comprise what is called a biblical worldview. Having a biblical worldview, in addition to helping us withstand the schemes of those trying to get us to believe something other than the gospel of Jesus Christ, actually helps clarify every area of our lives and impacts every decisio