Diamond Factory

2019 - 8-20 Jordan Schrandt RCD Why Events Launch Your Business AUDIO



RCD Jordan Schrandt on Why Events Launch Your Business to the Next Rank Events are where magic happens in your team. Events create feelings of belonging, excitement, and momentum. Coming together with like minded people instills change within a person that cannot be made via phone calls or Facebook posts. What constitutes as an event? In home presentations hotel presentations corporate sponsored events distributor sponsored events retreats masterminds Convention and Facebook group events IF done well. Have you ever noticed the most loyal distributors in your team are the ones who have gone to events with you? This Monday we are having on Royal Crown Diamond Jordan Schrandt. She is going to give you her 411 on how she built her team using events. Some of her events were a few people, others had thousands. Learn her secrets to launching a thriving business using events. Jordan is the founder of Diamond Bound Event, the largest independent distributor event outside of Convention. What