Searching For Clair Huxtable

Side Chick



We live in a society where men having a “side chick”, also referred to as a mistress (if married), happens way too much. To some men, being in a relationship without a side-chick is like eating a meal without something to drink – Yes, it can be done, but it not as enjoyable. No matter society’s opinion of a side chick, there are plenty of women who go along with this dynamic. Sometimes it’s the part a woman chooses to play, and other times it’s a role given to them and they try to deal with it. So why is this particular woman finding herself as just the side-chick and not the main chick? Could it be that it’s a role she accepts? TV shows like “The Real Side-Chicks of Charlotte”, custom T-Shirts promoting the behavior, even a “Side Chick 10 Commandments” and “Side Chick Contract”s would prove that this role is not only embraced but welcomed.