Dr. Carol Francis

Self-Love, Co-Dependence, Selfishness, Love to Others



Loving yourself can be tricky.   You could become dangerously enamored with yourself to the point of blind self-centeredness.  Or perhaps you could excuse yourself from honest blame and guilt and live ignorant about the harm and pain you cause others by inconsiderateness or self-centeredness.  You could think you are the center of the Universe and therefore the center of everyone else's world as well.     ON the other had, Self-Love could be the avenue toward freedom to be all you have the talent and make-up to become.  You could benefit those around you with your growing self love and freedom and self-evolution so that their lives too would be enriched, because you loved yourself enough to be your best and make healthy choices and took worthy paths.   Another questions is how to love yourself when loving and giving to yourself seems to interfere with you giving to another person what they seem to need from you.   Is there truly a competition between you and them for your time, attention, resources and wel