Latter Gay Stories

119: Brock Messinger | Raw. Candid. And a little messy.



Sometimes we need to hear the raw and candid journey—unfiltered and real. This is Brock’s story. This is a no-holds barred interview where Brock shares his complete journey. It includes depression, leaving his mission early, suicidal thoughts, Grindr, hook-ups and ultimately finding love in the most unsuspecting places. Brock shares his feelings about growing up LDS and trying to tow the line to look, act and be a good Mormon. He served a mission which ultimately led his Mission President to out him to his parents. For the next hour we invite you to listen to Brock’s story of survival and eventual thriving as a husband and father. The video version of this podcast episode is available at, YouTube and on our Facebook page. We invite you to share, like and subscribe to LatterGayStories!