Smokin Aces Live

The Ash-Holes get Christmasy with Santa and Cigars



 Tonight's show will be a Blistery Bonanza of Christmas spirit so join us tonight starting at 7pm CST - Santa may even show up!!  Call in with your Yuletide cigar story and we just might send ya a gift - 914-803-4079 or tell us what lights your ash on fire this holiday season!!  Ahhhh… Cigar smoking and the holidays – they go together like cigars and beer… cigars and poker… cigars and whiskey… cigars and steak… cigars and basically everything… hey, are you noticing a pattern here? The holiday season – Thanksgiving through New Year is supposed to be a joyous time of selfless giving and thanks, but in reality, it’s a six-week pain in the ash for anyone who’s just trying to get through life with half a smile on your face. While I do enjoy turkey day with its over-the-top gluttony and hours of plentiful pigskin, it’s no secret that I “used to” be a fan of Christmas, but the commercialization that Chuck himself was confused about in A Charlie Brown Christmashas become the reality for so many. (See my two Cigar A