Zack Childress - Rei Success Academy -

How To Work Less And Make More Money By Sharing Your Profits



The question that Zack Childress poses in every podcast is how do real estate investors build real wealth and freedom without access to millions of dollars in capital? His mission is to help you find the answer. Sometimes people ask me how I do so many deals. How do you have the time? The main reason I can do it is that I partner with other investors and split profits. Sometimes people have a great property they haven’t been able to sell. Tell them you’ll take care of the sale and split the profits. Maybe you can find a partner who has money and wants someone to manage rehabs. Or you could find a partner who loves the rehab process, but doesn’t enjoy selling the end product. “Opportunities are lost because you aren’t awake enough to see them.” Don’t miss opportunities. Everyone you meet is a potential partner, and partners multiply the number of deals (aka payouts) you can complete.