Zack Childress - Rei Success Academy -

The 24-Week Challenge: Week 8 - Marketing For Sellers Filters



Here’s the big question we’re tackling in the 24-Week Challenge: How do real estate investors build real wealth and freedom without access to millions of dollars in capital? Zack Childress is guiding us yet again in this is episode, ep #8. We’re now 1/3 of the way there. Today’s topic is Marketing For Sellers. Zack is talking about marketing using leads that you pay for. You want to be sure you get your money’s worth, so don’t practice your sales skills on paid leads. When you mail to a paid lead, you need a system for receiving interested responses. And those responses need to be filtered by criteria that you set. As you build up to a higher business level, you will need to hire people to call the filtered leads. You will have been doing a lot of calling yourself, so you know how to manage and monitor these callers. Decide on one strategy and take action. Don’t try to manage multiple strategies at once, and don’t make excuses. Here’s what I tell people, “Plan A is your only plan. Plan B is just an excuse to