Zack Childress - Rei Success Academy -

The 24-Week Challenge: Week 7 - Finding The Right Investments



So the big question we’re tackling in the 24-Week Challenge is this: How do real estate investors build real wealth and freedom without access to millions of dollars in capital? Zack Childress is taking us through the steps to find the answer. This is episode 7 of 24, so we’ve already built some great knowledge. Today’s topic is Finding The Right Investments. Zack is talking about properties… real estate investments… you find for free. Not buying a mailing list, no VA… it’s do-it-yourself time. Some free leads can be found on social media. Some can be sent to you by real estate agents. Comb through rental ads to find buyers and sellers. Network with everyone you meet, but especially people who are connected, however loosely, to real estate. Build a bird dog team to help you find prospect properties. Share the deal with them if their leads pan out. It’s showtime, people. Put your brain power to work and you’ll realize how many leads there are out there. “You have to dig deeper and own your own life!”