Zack Childress - Rei Success Academy -

The 24 Week Challenge: Week 2 - Getting Ready



So, we’re discussing this question for week 2 of our 24-week challenge with Zack Childress: How do real estate investors build real wealth and freedom without access to millions of dollars in capital? Today’s topic is Getting Ready… it’s about having the tools in place to help grow your business. You should only get the tools you need to manage leads, automate, outsource, etc.—if you have the right resources. But, even if you can’t afford these tools, you shouldn’t use that as an excuse not to get started. It is certainly possible to be successful without the tech tools. The primary technology you need is for marketing. So much of what we do is manual… like research and negotiation. But marketing automation is key. For instance, an auto responder (CRM) helps you keep up with your contacts and makes it easy to categorize them. And, it gives you the ability to broadcast info to contacts or automatically send them emails. Also, websites are not that expensive and you need one. We’ll also cover direct mail in thi