Mike T Property Secret's Podcast

Episode 3: Jodie Curran / On Financial Freedom



0:48 Can you tell our listeners what you do in your business and what’s exciting in your business right now? I started Agent 4537 in Feb 2016. this year. My focus is in growing a team. I am a listing and selling 1:25 Can you share to us a little bit about your story? Your upbringing, positive and negative influences in your life, and your turning point in your life? I always loved Real Estate. Everything is quite new for me. I started when I was about 47years old. I started as a PA for a Real Estate agent. I started doing my own sales in 2013. 2:25 Can you elaborate on your achievements? I’ve done 29 sales and 22 listings. I have a support team of 2. I am pleased to say that I am dominating my area. 3:42