#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

Mediumship vs Seeing Spirits



Lately I’ve been getting a lot of questions about connecting with spirits and/or Mediumship. Such as: Is it possible to develop a mediumship ability with training?Do you have to be born a medium?If I see spirits does this mean I’m a medium? So here’s the quick answer: Everyone is born with psychic senses, but not everyone is born with mediumship abilities. You can learn to how to talk with spirits in the spiritual realm with your psychic senses such as your spirit guides, angels, and even some of your own loved ones. For the sake of guidance. However, mediumship is different. It is “the ability to talk to or feel spirits who have incarnated on earth at some point in time who are not attached to you.” In other words, they are spirits, ghosts, and loved ones in the spiritual realm who you’ve never met before or had contact with before. For the sake of translating messages. The difference here is that mediumship is normally for the benefit of other people, or the spirits themselves. Because there is more on t