#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

Energy Wave Forecast



This month you might find you are struggling to "find balance". There are some pretty big energy waves coming through and maintaining balance will be the focus. Energy waves tend to affect you primarily in three areas: Emotionally Thought process/perspective Energy levels (mental and physical) Today I will be talking about how this wave might feel to you, along with some other important information such as the spirit index. Plus I will tell you what tips and tricks I use during this time.  SPIRITUAL GURU BOX (http://spiritualguru.net/)  Join My Spirit Community - Private FB Group (FREE) Ask for an invite here: http://pxlme.me/8K0IP73d Guided Meditation (FREE): Downloaded over 10,000+ times! http://keystothespiritworld.com/chimeditation Psychic Ability Class (NOW OPEN YEAR ROUND): https://www.psychicabilityclass.com Mentorship Circle (NOW OPEN!) : https://www.mentorshipcircle.com/mentorship-member-sales-page/ My Website: http://keystothespiritworld.com