Real Estate Investment With Colin Murphy

Torcana Podcast 21: Interview with Tampa wholesaler Clark Lunt



In today´s episode, we invited full-time Tampa wholesaler Clark Lunt into the podcast booth to talk about the real estate market from a wholesalers point of view. I think the role wholesalers play in transforming neglected properties into gems and facilitating difficult property sales between distressed home owners and rehabbers or investors is often misunderstood and under appreciated. Topics covered in this wide-ranging interview include: - How Clark sources off-market properties using branding and direct mail campaigns - The reasons people sell their property to wholesalers instead of dealing directly with realtors or regular home buyers - The negotiation methods Clark uses to reach a realistic purchase price with sellers - The risks and headaches wholesalers take on board when putting distressed properties under contract - The people Clark partners with once he puts a property under contract - A real-world step by step example of how Clark created a win-win-win situation for himself, the seller and the ne