Diamond Factory

2019 - 8-26 Tom Challan 1 Builder A Day Using FB Groups AUDIO



Get 1 new customer to a builder every day with FB groups. Wondering why you cannot get your Facebook prospects enrolled into Young Living? You’ve been talking to them in your group(s) and following up in Messenger but NOBODY is JOINING! Whyyy?!?!! Imagine what it would be like if you could enroll customers and get them sharing using Facebook groups. Would that help your volume grow this Fall? Most distributors would like to combine local and online methods to grow their business because it gives them more flexibility and reach, but the question is HOW. On this Monday Night Call episode, Tom Challan & Jen Springer are going to be sharing new strategies that are working on Facebook right now using groups. This is a MUST ATTEND event! Tom is a master recruiter, in the last company he and his wife Kim built, their team reached 40,000 in less than 2 years. He’s combining time testing ‘old school’ strategies with social media. What you’ll learn: If you can build your groups and momentum organically or i