Beats, Rye & Types

Episode 25: Robots and Chickens with Carin Meier



“Hmmmmm…could control with REPL…” Robot music dance parties, raising chickens, artificial intelligence, and chemical computing are just some of Carin Meier’s interests. She’s cut from the same obsessive cloth as we are, and we have a great time on this episode exploring learning, connecting with others on the internet, and more. Having guests on the show always brings us in interesting directions - join us! Links, etc Music: Will Bradley & His Orchestra “Celery Stalks at Midnight”, Chosen by Carin. Spotify Our Special Guest: Carin Meier Carin’s Robot Talk from Strangeloop John McCarthy Overtone Meta-eX Sam Aaron Sonic Pi Logo Lang Leslie Lamport Byzantine Fault Tolerance Maurice Sendak Article Maurice Sendak Interview w/Colbert Philip Glass A Folly