Beats, Rye & Types

Episode 21: Tin-pan Alley



Once again, we got to sit side-by-side as we were both attending GoRuCo in NYC. We talk about The Band, the favorite talks we’ve seen recently, transpiling, and some of the awesome conferences coming up in the fall. Links, etc Music: Neil Diamond “Dry Your Eyes”, Chosen by MRB. Spotify BEATS, RYE & TYPES: THE PIZZA BOOK The Last Waltz The Band Bill Graham Autobiography Across The Great Divide Goruco 2015 Hiro Asari (No slides yet) F# Lang Create your own Programming Language (book) Idris Elixir Programming Language Erlang and OTP in Action Eileen Uchitelle (@eileencodes) Eileen’s Talk at Goruco StackProf Aman Gupta Google PProf tool Rblineprof FullStackFest Mikeal Rogers Mike’s Talk at Strangeloop David Nolen Blake Mizerany Catskills Conf Mr Aleph’s JSConf 2012 Talk HV Tech Meetup Dan Stone Kale Kaposhilin Paul Campell Chris Williams