Ask Doctor Tom

ADT Episode 21: Are routine Exercises more helpful in healing than Surgery?



Imagine 2 patients, exactly the same both inside and out. The first patient gets a knee tear and goes the regular routine, an x-ray, an MRI, they find out it's a knee tear and Doctors say, okay we're doing some surgery. After Surgery he's put in a brace that locks that knee in place which will cause atrophy. Now that leads to physical therapy and more doctor visits and he won't even have maximal activation of the muscles around the knee. Then when he's finally released from his brace that muscle is going to need more work on it from being denied a normal routine. Let's breakdown the negatives from Surgery: Atrophied Muscles, which means more recovery time after you're heald Multiple Doctor visits even though everything should be healed More money being spent, why waste the money when you can do physical therapy while you heal? Our 2nd patient in contrast with no surgery,no painkillers, and guess what all he had to do was take time out exercise a certain way and all it does is take up time and you'll probabl