The Oyster With Lauren Kress

Marketing Geeks' Justin Womack on why Marketing isn’t easy



Be sure to subscribe to our podcast to never miss an episode of #theoyster where we ask our expert guests to share their pearls of wisdom about the Science Behind Better Business. If you enjoy listening to marketing podcasts then you've probably heard of my guest today. It's Justin Womack - co-host of the hit podcast Marketing Geeks! And if you're trying to work out how to use language and copywriting to grow your coaching or consulting business - then this episode is especially for you! We talk about how believing this myth could impact how you're feeling about your business and your success - and some strategies for overcoming your barriers to your marketing success by understanding the psychology and neuroscience behind human behaviour. If you enjoy this make sure you subscribe to our podcast and youtube channel to catch all our episodes about the science behind better business. You can also catch our LIVE episodes in real-time on our Facebook Page here: And