Recency Bias Radio

S3E5 - Infinite LeBronto (Part 2)



In Part 2 of the S3E5 trilogy, Infinite LeBronto, me & my friends take a deep dive into everything there is #InfinityWar *The Infinity War PTSD *Marvel being unstoppable *T'Challa cooning *Killmonger vs Winter Soldier *The Hulk being a damn Beta Male *Plot Holes with Time Gem/Strange *How do they beat Thanos? *How did Thanos know about Wakanda? *Vibranium getting nerf'd *The Vormir Conspiracy *Captain Marvel & Nick Fury *White Privilege in Cinema *Breaking down the "Gauntlet fight" *Favorite Scenes *Deadpool joining the Avengers *Most Improved Hero *Star Lord's HUGE Mistake *Vision & Scarlet Witch *DC's failures *Miles Morales, the next Spider-Man? *Captain America's Plot Armor *Will Hugh Jackman comeback? ...peep all of this & more exclusively on Recency Bias Radio. Where No One Is Safe From Criticism.