Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Tech Talk Roundtable 06-18 | The Pressured Child with Dr. Michael G. Thompson



Description Do you remember what it was like to be a student in grade school?  Are you getting flashbacks of Field days, recess, team sports and Mrs. Scranton’s music recorder class or...are you among the many that are breaking out in cold sweat thinking about tests, group projects, bullying and peer pressure!  Well today we revisit our childhood and put ourselves in the shoes of our students with our special guest Dr. Michael Thompson as we get his input on how technology has impacted this relationship. Lessons Learned Chris - Some lessons from teaching Morality & Ethics. Nothing gets an argument started more than perceptions of unfairness or intentional harm and that is because, of the five channels of moral decision making, fairness/reciprocity and harm/care are the two channels that nearly everyone agrees are extremely important. Add to that the reality that how we perceive issues of justice varies between individuals. Some of us see justice as equality of opportunity (freedom). Others see it as equal