Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Tech Talk Roundtable 06-16 | Happy Anniversary WWW



Description Ring the bells!  Sound the trumpets! Crank up the party machine!  It’s time to celebrate! This week, that wonderful invention, that thing we could not live without, turns 30 years old.  What are we talking about? The WORLD WIDE WEB of course! Can you remember what you life was like before the web? Can you imagine life without it now?  Do you remember when it was possible to disconnect and relax? We can’t. Today we reflect on this Mah-velous invention and its profound impact on education as we know it. Lessons Learned Chris - Let me ask you a question. Do you find yourself seeking more opportunities for solitude and quiet spaces than in the past? I’m not sure if this is a “lessons learned” or just a hunch, but here it goes. I’ve taken the Myers-Briggs test a number of time and each time I’m about as extreme an extrovert as the scale can bear. Still, this year, I find myself more frequently seeking solitude and quiet places to work. I actually think I could work from home, and that has never bee