Diamond Factory

2019 - 9-10 Barney Kuntze Digital Leadership



OurSimpleTraining.com presents: the MONDAY NIGHT CALL: Using Technology to Make Your Business Run Smoother & Easier- Barney Kuntze Experts debate: build your business online or build your business offline? Maybe you can use the best of both worlds??!! The fact is, internet and technology innovation is going to keep heading forward. Whether you want to do simply use the internet to support your team members with product & business knowledge or you want to go full force internet prospecting – the good news is there is a place for you no matter what! On this Monday Night Call episode, Barney Kuntze, founder of the Young Living Success Summit and the Animal Wellness Summit will be sharing with you ways he has found to simplify running your business using a few technology short cuts. Barney has been fully immersed in running successful summits for 5 years. There is an incredible amount of wisdom you can glean from his trials, tribulations, and victories. What you’ll learn: What the future o