Diamond Factory

2019-9-16 Hannah Shields YL Gold Voicing Your Purpost



YL Gold Hannah Shields, Voicing Your PURPOSE. Get on VIP invite list: http://oursimpletraining.com/MNC Ever have an all-consuming life event that changed the core of who you were? When you go through hard times that tests the strength of every ounce of your being, you wonder “Why is this happening?”. YL Gold Hannah Shields has had her dreams come true with her Young Living business. She always had a longing to teach and help people, which now she can do while she and her husband raise their 3 boys. But then the unthinkable happened, her baby boy was diagnosed with Influenza A and she became quickly schooled in her parental rights in relation to the medical system. Hannah and her husband had to fight to have control of what medical procedures were being done to their son and to keep him from being taken from child protective services. WOWZA right?!?!? Now that Hannah is on the other side of this, her business has done a 180 into a different direction with a new purpose. She has a story to share about how