Dear Art Producer

031: Kathleen Candelaria, Supervising Art Producer and Senior Art Buyer, AbelsonTaylor, Chicago



[:31] Heather introduces Kathleen Candelaria and invites her to share the path that took her from studying accounting to realizing she needed an art outlet to where she is today. [5:05] Kathleen talks about the key skills that some of her mentors taught her: keep a cool head, negotiate with your team, and people will ask for the impossible. When things get tense, Kathleen just puts all her chips in transparency [7:20] Kathleen and Heather discuss how experience begets confidence and trust and how important these are in a changing industry. [9:42] Social media was a huge game-changer for the industry and meant that everyone had to adjust quickly, Kathleen touches on how it has affected her teams and work and how she chose to work differently as she gained experience with new technologies. [13:24] Getting Kathleen’s attention starts with the work itself, it has to speak to her, regardless of the medium you choose to communicate with her. Don’t gimmick it up, make it all about the work and if you can get a meeti