Quiet Confidence With Dr Tess Crawley




People tell me they are amazed at what I manage to achieve in a day. That I manage to get my message out and share my knowledge and still run two businesses … the list goes on.  But the reality is I’ve really had to wind back to simple basics over the past few months.  As I’ve gotten busier and my businesses have shifted and changed, I’ve been drowning a little. What previously seemed so simple to stay consistent with, has become a struggle.  Little things … Like doing a live stream and ensuring it ends up in all the places or putting out blog posts, or regularly keeping the podcast updated.  Each task on its own takes very little time. But when I fall behind, it snowballs like you wouldn’t believe it!   And don’t even get me started on my email inbox!  So, at last, I’m doing something about it!   Tomorrow my new virtual assistant starts her work trial with me.   This has been months in the making, because I was too busy to put together a job description for the agency