Javascript to Elm

Elixir with Auth0



Auth I have no desire to roll my own. While a lot can be learned from this type of exercise, it is not something I want to get hung up on. Plus it’s a MONSTER subject. Not one to be taken lightly, so we’ll outsource the safe keeping of user info and the authentication mechanics. So we can focus on the implementation of it. auth0 authenticated app Adding some event counter for sampling mix phx.gen.html Events Event events title due:datetime I’ve never been a fan of generators like this before, but I am also tired of hand carving the same things over and over in my React apps. So I’m all in. Add the resource to your browser scope in lib/postit_web/router.ex: resources "/events", EventController Remember to update your repository by running migrations: $ mix ecto.migrate plus the cli is super nice and very informative Add a route events to the router under lib/postit_web/router.ex within the scope of PostitWeb Run migration. This I like. I know enough sql to find my way in the dark, but I much