Javascript to Elm

Elixir with Phoenix



Building it locally Easy enough to get it running with the instructions from Elixir and Phoenix Problems with Postgres install and running postgresql install ubuntu sudo su - postgres pg_ctlcluster 11 main start Getting default postgres running required the pg_ctlcluster Finally running local db, not my strong suit Package it up for deployment Add Distillery {:distillery, "~> 2.0"} Hex Package Manager for the BEAM ecosystem About Six Colors AB Hex was started as an open-source project early 2014, it is still an open-source project but today it is operated by the Swedish limited company “Six Colors AB”. The company was founded in 2018 by the creator of Hex, Eric Meadows-Jönsson, Six Colors supports the development of Hex and operates all services required to run Hex. By charging for private packages we can fund free open-source development and run reliable services for both paying customers and the open-source community. Get it out there Setup a VM on Azure tyBasic Ubuntu VM 1 CPU, 1GB RA