Javascript to Elm

Hello Darkness My Old Friend



Routing in Elm I realize now, just how frustrated people get when learning n framework or language. For me that monster is routing in Elm. But first, you’re running out of chances to get to Elm in the Spring!!! Instead of creating our program with Browser.element or Browser.document, we can create a Browser.application to avoid loading new HTML when the URL changes: ok, cool. Define some routes, in a Routes.elm file preferably in it’s own Routes file Define the routes Parser -- creating a parser called 'routes' -- will produce routes of type Route -- doesn't take any arguments? routes : Parser (Route -> a) a routes = Parser.oneOf [ Home , Account (Parser.s "account") ] Define a match function that will convert a Url and return a Maybe Route. Maybe Route because you might not have a matching route, right? I think this is where the default case for pattern matching at one point will show the 404. Be sure we are exposing the Routes(..)