Searching For Bernie (sanders)

#16: The Women’s Vote (part 1)



  In this episode (and the next one), we explore the women’s vote, and the gender gap — or lack of one — between Hillary supporters and Bernie believers.  Put another way: I’ll be asking why some women think that putting a woman in the White House is Priority Number One, while other women have decided that gender loyalty matters far less than the candidates’ policy positions.  You’ll hear from Jenni Siri, one of the co-founders of Women for Bernie Sanders. The group has about 50,000 members on Facebook, a website overflowing with information and resources, and a national network of state chapters all dedicated to Bernie’s campaign.You’ll also hear from Lyn DeWitt, a longtime friend of mine who is a champion of women’s rights and an ardent supporter of Hillary Clinton. In part 2, you’ll hear from Lyn DeWitt’s daughter Anna, who, unlike her mom, is a big Bernie supporter. Ann