Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: idioms com TOGETHER



Hello, everyone. Hoje eu falo sobre idioms super comuns com a palavra together. Enjoy! Transcrição Hello, everyone. You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast, and today I'm going to talk about a few idioms with the word together. They're very common and you'll hear them all the time in daily conversation, so listen on. Here's one of them: put our heads together, or put their heads together, or your heads. Let's say you were asked by your boss to find some kind of solution to a problem, and, after thinking about it for a while you realise that Joe, the head of the sales team, has some information that would likely be useful in solving this problem. So you go ahead and give Joe a ring, and you say "Hi Joe, my boss has asked me to find a solution to problem XYZ. I know you've been affected by it as well and you've got some experience on the topic, so I thought we'd get to the solution much faster if we put our heads together and try and figure this thing out." "Let's put our heads to