Erin Burnett Outfront

House Democrats subpoena Giuliani for Ukraine documents; Sources: Advisers warn Trump it's likely he'll be impeached; some annoyed he won't give up 2016 conspiracy theory; Washington Post: Barr personally asked foreign governments to aid inquiry into CIA,



Giuliani subpoenaed for Ukraine documents in impeachment inquiry; Trump: "trying to find out" whistleblower's identity; Giuliani responds to subpoena in impeachment inquiry, says it "raises significant issues"; Sources: Allies concerned he doesn't understand gravity of situation; Pompeo was on Trump's Ukraine call; Washington Post: Barr traveling overseas, asking foreign government to aid in Justice Department inquiry of Russia probe; Trump administration imposes sanctions on key Putin ally; Bolton rebukes Trump on North Korea; Says Kim Jong Un "will never give uptake nuclear weapons voluntarily"; New CNN Poll: 47 percent of Americans support impeaching Trump; Poll: Republican support for impeachment grows; Former Senator Flake urges GOP not to support Trump in 2020; House Democrat defends not yet backing impeachment; House Democrats torn over backing impeachment inquiry; Perfection... in the eyes of President Trump; via Knit