Divorce Confidential With Caralee Fontenele

12 Tips To Negotiate An Amicable Outcome With Your Ex-Partner



Most people after separation just want the divorce process and resolving property division and parenting arrangements over and done with as soon as possible. They don’t want it to be a huge fight and they don’t want it to cost a ton of money. When it happens to you, it can be really difficult to know what to do next in order to resolve any outstanding issues that you have. Not every separation needs to be dramatic where you end up in a Court process and it all turns ugly! If both parties can keep have an open mind and can communicate respectfully, you may be able to finalise the matters arising out of separation amicably. This is the best outcome for everybody! On this weeks Divorce Confidential Podcast I share with you my 12 tips that may help make your separation and negotiations more amicable.