One Movie Punch

Episode 670 - "Sweetheart" (2019)



Hi everyone! Two more reviews. That’s all that’s left before the break, and today will be Andrew’s second review for the week. He’s ending with a Blumhouse production that’s been undersold this year, despite a lot of great reviews. Andrew’s going to give you his thoughts in a bit, but be sure to check out Andrew’s recent reviews for THE POOL (Episode #656), LITTLE JOE (Episode #663), and MARRIAGE STORY (Episode #668). Something in there for everyone. Especially if you like plants or crocodiles. Before the review, we’ll have a promo from our friends at the Moviedrone podcast. Every episode, they cover a main feature, some homework they gave each other, a listener question, and my favorite segment, Marc’s Movie Impressions. You can follow them on Twitter/Instagram @movie_drone and on Facebook @moviedronepod. Don’t miss their recent guest review for THE TERRIFIER (Episode #606), where they watched me do my best impression of a cannonball. Subscribe to stay current with the latest releases. Contribute at Patreon