Diamond Factory

2019 - 11-25 Jens Story + Using FB to Find Leads Update



http://oursimpletraining.com Ending the year at the same rank you came in at for 2019? It seems there is ONE thing that holds back distributors from ranking up: finding enough prospects to sponsor! If you aren’t sponsoring at least 1-5 people a month and you can rattle off all of your prospects names off the top of your head, you do NOT have enough people in your pipeline. The next 5 weeks Jen is going to do a series of prospect centric Monday Calls to gear you up for 2020. When people know how to find prospects so they can fill up their pipeline. Once the pipeline fills, let the sponsoring begin! These next 5 calls are going to be more conversational and informal, as they are going into a special podcast series that is all about finding prospects for network marketing.