Latter Gay Stories

125: Sunny and Joe Smart | Our Story of Family and Marriage



Sunny Smart is gay. Her family knows, her friends know, her husband knows, and she knows. In this podcast episode, Sunny shares her story of coming out, remaining in a mixed orientation marriage, a transition of faith, and how proceeding forward in authenticity has changed her life. She and Joe, share their experience navigating this journey together, as a family. And their decision to come out—and support the LGBT family has impacted their experience. Their missionary son, Adam was recently denied a temple recommend and was asked to leave his mission for supporting the LGBT community and people like his own mother. The Smart’s share their feelings about this tragic turn of events for their son, and what must be done to honor the journey of all people—in or out of the LDS church. Watch this episode on the Latter Gay Stories Facebook page, online at, on our LatterGayStories YouTube channel, or listen to the audio version wherever you catch your favorite audio podcasts. To make a donation